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China bans some rare earth, IC technology exports
Time:2023-12-22 10:16:02      Click:480

On 21 December, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) published the Catalogue of Technologies Banned and Restricted for Export in China.

The Ministry of Commerce pointed out that, according to the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Import and Export of Technology, the Catalogue of Technologies Prohibited and Restricted for Export in China is hereby promulgated and shall be implemented as of the date of its promulgation, and the Announcement of the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Science and Technology No. 38 of 2020 (Adjustment of the Content of the Catalogue of Technologies Prohibited and Restricted for Export in China) is hereby repealed. Those belonging to dual-use technologies are included in the management of export control.

December 22, in the foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin hosted a regular press conference, Bloomberg reporter asked: China recently announced the revision of "China's ban on export restrictions on the export of technology catalogue", a lot of other technologies will not be allowed to be circulated overseas, in particular rare earths, but also magnet technology, what is your response to this?

"I think you're asking about the Chinese government's announcement of the Catalogue of Technologies Banned and Restricted for Export," Wang said, adding that the Chinese authorities have already responded to this. The revision of the Catalogue of Technologies Banned and Restricted for Export is a concrete initiative and routine adjustment to adapt to the changing situation of technological development and improve the management of technological trade in China. After the revision, the catalogue was compressed from 164 items to 134 items. China has always insisted on opening up to promote reform and development, and we will create positive conditions for promoting international economic and trade cooperation on the basis of safeguarding national economic security and development interests.

*Disclaimer: The news in this article originated from Jiewei.com, the news has not been officially confirmed, and is only for the purpose of communication and learning.

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